When it comes to technology and business, change isn’t always a bad thing, but it’s important to know that the 3 in web 3.0 doesn’t actually refer to the 30 in web 30. In fact, they aren’t even related concepts. If you want to learn more about the differences between these two terms, keep reading to learn more about web 3.0 and discover five reasons why they are not the same things. We’ll let you know when we have more information.
1) Web 3 technology will have user benefits
One significant difference is that Web 3.0 will have user benefits that Web 2.0 lacked. For example, data will be decentralized on a person’s device where they will own their information and control who has access to it. Facebook currently holds onto data centrally rather than users owning it.
2) The increasing importance of quality content over links
One of the most important aspects of SEO is ensuring that content on your site is high quality, relevant, and informative for those who will be reading it. It’s all about attracting people to your site with good content rather than just trying to rank for keywords with links (web 2.0).
3) The tech world has evolved in 20 years
This is evident when you look at how much technology has changed from just two decades ago. This means that what’s going on now will be outdated in five years, which is how web 30 will function. The new web will run off a decentralized platform instead of a centralized one, like the current one. So, keep reading to learn more about web 3.0.
4) A new way to monetize content
Web 3 is a suite of technologies, while Web 30 is an artificial intelligence that comes with a built-in content store to drive conversion rates. This means Web 3 will require someone to curate content manually which can take significant resources, but Web 30 guarantees each user a stream of quality content at their fingertips which gives them no reason to leave the website.
5) There’s nothing else like it
Web 1.0 was all about presenting text, as websites were designed for people with slow internet connections who primarily accessed them via desktop PCs (or at least would soon enough). Web 2.0 changed everything with its focus on multimedia, from design to social media, it’s all about adding video clips and graphics to presentations.